honestly, I think the sex shame that people feel and feel the need to push on others is exhausting and something that has been pushed on us since we were born.

Like in reality all the sex shame you feel has been taught to you by your parents, society, and religion.
So it's really fucked up that all these people will claim to be sex-positive but they will always find a way to shame people for sex, in sex work, fiction, calling people whores or telling them that their wrong in the way that they enjoy adult content. Especially weird when it's
younger people trying to police how adults are trying to be sex-positive, or work through traumas. Like peoples traumas and how they deal with things is none of your business. It's exhausting to see people act like this in 2020 when they have acted like this forever. I feel like
humans aren't improving and growing and are just staying the same. Like yall aren't stopping being homophobic and racist and shit you are just relabeling it and it's exhausting.
Honestly, if you are dealing with trauma, sexual or otherwise, and you are not hurting anybody. And it's in a safe, consenting manner, I want you to keep doing you.

Like I know this thread changes points a few times but I wanted to add that.
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