lrt Bad Habits can be broken. you can set strict rules for yourself and follow them and break a bad habit and make good habits. ADHD is like I cant even follow my rules to break habits and I dont know how to make new ones properly because I lost 3 days and I cant find my keys
like. I struggle with dental hygiene. Brushing my teeth had so many fucking steps and I cant for the life of me set a routine that I brush them before bed or any other time for that matter.
I cant do it. i snooze alarms because every day is different and i cant predict when a good time to brush my teeth would be. literally nothing helps me remember and then follow through with brushing my teeth
the best solution I've found is having an expensive toothbrush that I paid for so I feel guilty not using it and then also sticking it to the mirror at eye level so I at least see it every day.
this thread got away from me (ha. adhd humor. ha. ) but the point is is ADHD is so much more than a bad habit because it's not habitual stuff at all
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