as opposed to the great job Trump has done containing the coronavirus?
Trump claims foreign governments are calling him "constantly" and asking for advice about how to deal with the coronavirus. And I have a bridge for sale in Winnipeg.
A sleepy-sounding Trump explains that he's against a national mask mandate because he thinks people should "have a certain freedom."
Trump has figured out how to do political rallies during a pandemic: just call them "news conferences," have them at the White House, and you'll get tons of coverage of your partisan screeds.
Fox News continues to broadcast Trump's rant live. CNN and MSNBC are not.
Continuing a trend that has been noticeable this week, Trump has so far only taken questions from friendly reporters who won't challenge him
"If the [coronavirus] bill isn't gonna get done, that's gonna mean the Post Office isn't gonna get funded ... so I don't know how you could possibly use these ballots, these mail-in ballots" -- Trump, giving away the game
TRUMP: "The people will have to go to the polls and vote, like the old days ... it means the universal mail-ins don't work."

COLLINS: Even if they don't feel safe?

TRUMP: "They're gonna have to feel safe."
Trump claims that if he had evidence of Middle East countries mistreating Christians, "I would go in an do a number to those countries like you wouldn't believe"
What sophisticated thinking on display here from Trump
Trump pushes completely made up conspiracy theories about Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran using mail voting to "grab" ballots and rig an election. Mail voting systems have safeguards preventing that sort of fraud from taking place.
Wow. A reporter (I'm not sure who he is) asks Trump, "after three and a half years, do you regret all the lying you've done to the American people?" Trump quickly moves on to the next question.
Holy shit. Trump pushes a baseless, birther-style theory about Kamala Harris that holds she's not a citizen because birthright citizenship isn't a thing.

"I just heard it today that she doesn't meet the requirements ... I have no idea if that's right."
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