1) And the foreign policy plan keeps on keeping on.

I might need someone like @COsweda who I’m betting knows FAR FAR more about the history of the middle east’s abortive attempts at peace to fact check me on this, but I think I figured out the strategy Kushner went with. https://twitter.com/Bollocks_Dogz/status/1294009451914170369
2) The strategy is simple:

If you want successful peace talks in the Middle East...

Leave out the Palestinians.
3) “But Fudge!” You exclaim, “The Palestinians are part of the problem!”

Yes. Yes they are. And it has been foolish to assume that they would ever switch from being part of the problem to part of the solution.

They are controlled and ruled by fascistic fanatics and hardliners.
4) Think about it. You’re dealing with a group of people ruled by murderous thugs who depend on foreign liberal media and foreign aid for legitimacy.

Think what you will of Israelis, it doesn’t prticularly matter; any foreign policy will be warped by a group like this.
5) The Palestinians have no bargaining chips to speak of besides not being violent using other countries’ cash, violence which is excused and covered up with willing media accomplices worldwide. How could you negotiate with a group like that?
6) Yet that’s what every administration has tried to do. Bargain with people who cannot be bargained with.

Meanwhile, Israel is surrounded by countries it cannot have meaningful commerce or communication with, reliant on supporting nations one election away from hating Israel.
7) So the US sits two nations down, one of which only has terrorism as an export, the other of which knows that the next US election may bring someone with no interest in acting as a guarantor of any agreement, or worse yet be an Obama who sympathizes with the terrorists.

8) So how do you bring about peace in a situation where no one has been able to?


Change the objectives.

Don’t try to achieve peace. Change the situation until a mutually desirable peace is the only option left for everyone.
10) They DON’T need to establish commerce with the degenerate idiots whose only export is terrorism.

So, the big Kushner peace plan? Change the negotiating partners away from Palestine to the rest of the Middle East.
11) But don’t these other Middle East countries have oil reserves?

Yes they do.

They also have all the facilities to refine the oil, already built to handle that capacity. And the shipping infrastructure to export it worldwide.

And they would love to export someone else’s oil.
12) Think about the win-win. Israel gets time to take advantage of the fresh reserves of oil and sell it right away while theg bootstrap their own facilities into place. The rest of the Middle East gets to relax on exploiting their own reserves and instead act as middlemen.
13) Israel gets to be surrounded by countries wanting to openly do business rather than relying on fake passports and secret meetings.

And if Israel is about to have an oil boom economically, everyone with an ounce of sense wants to be in on it.
14) And the Palestinians? One of their two crutches just got kicked out from under them. No one wants to give aid to terrorists attacking their best trading partner. And Iran? Well... look what just happened in Lebanon.

Iran’s days are numbered.
15) And the other crutch, a slavishly loyal western media?

They’re about to all go bankrupt.

They’ve been hemmoraghing staff on both sides of the atlantic, and using the kung flu as a scapegoat. Those jobs aren’t coming back for the media. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/15/media/guardian-bbc-job-cuts/index.html
16) Palestinians will now have to come crawling back to the peace table as people stop throwing money at Hamas on favor of making money with Israel and no one will be left to help obfuscate the violence. With Israel chilling the fuck out, there wont be an excuse for the violence.
17) How do you achieve peace between Israel and Palestine?

Stop trying to negotiate with Israel and Palestine.

Just cut the idiots out, the Israeli settler fanatics (and those people are fucking stupid imho) and the Palestinain hardliners, and make peace with everyone else.

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