Something that's been bothering me for a while about the announced MULAN price of $30, a thread:
There's no question that this movie is going to get pirated like crazy. What I'm worried about is if it does make a bunch of money anyway, how studios are going to take that and what kind of a precedent it will set.
If they act precisely how I expect monied interests to act in any situation like this, we're going to start seeing more expensive movie tickets in general, which I see translating into a big spike in online piracy.
Where this starts to be big trouble is when the big companies' knee-jerk reaction is to finance and propagandize anti-freedom-of-information legislation, like the Graham-Blumenthal Bill, in order to shut that piracy down.
The Graham-Blumenthal, incidentally, is already a huge dogwhistle for QAnon. What it actually does is it enables precisely the kind of information stranglehold that helps the CCP maintain its authoritarian regime.
Graham-Blumenthal is a shot in the leg for information freedom. It makes it far easier to spoonfeed stuff like QAnon and all the other misinformation that the GOP loves to the public, as well as shutting down attempts to spread information about fascist stuff like the USPS crisis
Again, look at China and the CCP's authoritarian tactics. Kids don't learn about Tiananmen in schools and you can lose your connection for saying the word. CCP media control shutting down info about COVID19 when it first started is the one thing DJT was right about in his life
I'm pretty confident that passing Graham-Blumenthal would result in a distinct lack of information about stuff like the Portland kidnappings. More QAnon cultists being indoctrinated. Less information for everyone about things that actually matter, if it's anti-GOP.
So Graham-Blumenthal is objectively dangerous for, you know, human rights. And a huge financial power like Disney possibly behind it is very bad news for everyone. This is something people should be more concerned about.
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