April 26: “Young people under 18 have virtually no risk of serious illness or death, so it's logical to open most schools. It's logical to open most businesses.” https://www.mediamatters.org/media/3889721 
April 27: He's repeatedly promoted achieving herd immunity through natural infection, which doesn't work and would cost millions of lives: "It’s actually good news that the virus spreads widely" https://www.mediamatters.org/media/3889576 
May 11: “The curves have been flattened.” https://www.mediamatters.org/media/3889581 
June 22: When asked about the fact that 25% of hospitalizations in Texas are among people aged 20 to 29, Atlas simply dismissed it by saying he didn’t believe the number https://www.mediamatters.org/media/3888966 
June 29: It's “fantastic news that we have a lot of cases,” which common sense and real-time data from then and now show to be false. https://www.mediamatters.org/media/3889611 
July 6: Atlas said “it doesn’t really matter how many cases, it only matters who gets the cases.” This is incredibly callous and unscientific: increased spread infects people who are vulnerable and leads to strain on emergency care systems. https://www.mediamatters.org/media/3889551 
July 15: “It doesn’t matter if children get the disease. ... The data shows that they do not significantly transmit to adults.” The science is not settled on this issue, but he projects this certainty because certainty is what gets you booked on TV. https://www.mediamatters.org/media/3888891 
July 25: Unsurprisingly he's pivoted to uncritical praise for Trump as bodies pile up and benefits expire: "I think the president’s briefings that were done this week were excellent, and I think it’s obvious to everyone that there’s a focus on the data" https://www.mediamatters.org/media/3889571 
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