Why would the #DNC tell Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes that she may not get a chance to speak, and then allow her only 60 seconds, but allow Republican John Kasich a full speaking slot? The Democratic leadership, totally corrupted, loathes progressives, loathes the left.

That's why Democratic primaries are rigged, it's why so many establishment Democrats would have voted for Trump if Bernie had won the nomination, it's why left-wing media like The Young Turks can't get a press credential at the Democratic Convention, but had no problem... 2/11
getting credentialed for the Republican Convention, and it's why we have seen zero concessions to the left after @JoeBiden won enough delegates for nomination. (A non-binding climate plan that Joe doesn't even know the details of and has already contradicted by saying... 3/11
fracking jobs are safe is not a concession).

The DNC would rather lose to Trump than make change. I've been saying it for 4 years now, and it couldn't be more clear. They've rigged the primary for a tough-on-crime conservative warmonger with deep fracking ties, they put... 4/11
on a show of task forces, but offered the left nothing, not even healthcare during a pandemic. Nothing. But they are, instead, reaching out to the right, to George W Bush and John Kasich.

This is what we, on the left, are talking about when we say that Democrats have... 5/11
failed to represent the people. The left wants to stop climate change, make sure everyone's basic needs are met and make sure everyone has an equal opportunity to a decent job with a livable wage. That should be considered the center. Instead we are shunned and insulted... 6/11
by party leadership, who are pushing a right-wing agenda and keep throwing money at Trump to do the things they put on a show of opposing.

John Kasich should be the one with 60 seconds speaking time at the convention, not AOC. @AndrewYang should be given a speaking slot... 7/11
not Bill "I accidentally confessed the whole thing" Clinton. Instead of making room for someone as inspiring as @IlhanMN or progressive nice guy @RoKhanna , they gave speaking slots to Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester and Former Acting... 8/11
US Attorney General Sally Yates.

The DNC keeps giving progressive Democrats the finger! Over and over again, the Pelosis, the Schumers, the Joe Bidens tell us to "fuck off" and then Democrat voters come at us with "Yeah, but you have to support "our side" right?" These... 9/11
criminals aren't my side. And no, Trump's not on my side either you drone! My side puts people FIRST. My side are the socialists and democratic socialists that include progressive Democrats, the Green Party, Peace & Freedom and Independents (NPP), not these people who... 10/11
will destroy the world with fracking and kill babies for oil profits and then smile and say "At least we're not Republicans." Yes, they ARE! 12/12 #FireTomPerez @TomPerez @AOC @4aPeoplesParty @ninaturner @BernieSanders @DNC @TheDemocrats
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