The physiological effects of racism manisfests as chronic conditions. Doctors blame & shame people yet trauma lives in the DNA, a trauma experienced in utero, a trauma manifesting today but of 4 generations past. Fatphobia is wrong & has no place in medicine. Unlearn that crap.
"Decolonizing Health" includes meaningful readings in Medical Anthropology, History of Medicine, Deadly Medicine, Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality.
It's important to understand how as a medic you can be a weapon to advance anti-blackness and sexism in your practice
The fundamental problem with this country is that people don't respect each other and each others' NO.
A simple thing for the learned you'd think but fail to stop talking down at people. Even after they are told "No" "stop" but because le botsibinki, they continued.
These prejudices lead to discrimination and bad health outcomes. They are not just personal views.
These are the same "views" that see more Black Women globally, die unattended in hospitals & suffering without our pain being taken seriously, medics prescribing walks instead.
You were taught a racist, sexist, ableist, transphobic science, in a country that has a doctor involved in apartheid governments chemical & biological warfare, lecturing students in cardiology. The health system is still weaponised against Black people & Black Women in particular
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