Here is the problem: y’all think that simply electing officials is supposed to fix it. Passively voting without organizing on a local/state level, holding said elected official accountable through petitions, letters, etc., or partnering with activists who are actually...
...doing the work of making change is futile. Y’all want a politician to wave their magic wand and fix all the problems. That’s not even remotely close to how any of this actually works. Like seriously. Ask living activists from the Civil Rights Movement.
None of them could vote. And they had to fight politicians who literally didn’t care about them to get that and many other rights. Believe me, it wasn’t elections that made that happen. Y’all want Bernie to just come in and fix everything magically but that wouldn’t have happened
He would have been elected. And then he would have held up an imperialist office like every other president before him. This is why y’all need to shut up and listen to black people (women) who have been paying attention to this corrupt system for decades.
The only way to beat the system is to actually get rid of it. But since none of y’all are ready to actually discuss making that happen, y’all need to listen to the most marginalized voices telling y’all how to save us all from actual destruction.
Because believe it or not, the centrist candidate running opposite the fascist can actually be held accountable and pressured into accepting more progressive policies. The fascist in chief currently running things would never.
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