so i spoke about this a bit last night but here’s a thread on why you shouldn’t ship amity with hooty and genderbend amity even as a joke

cw // transphobia , lesbophobia , pedophilia
also context i’m a agender lesbian so don’t speak over me just listen i want to educate you all not to cancel you
so to first start off amity doesn’t have a stated sexuality other than she is sapphic but most of the fandom from what ive seen sees her as a lesbian and so do i so im going to look at this through you all hc her as a lesbian and show u why this is harmful for lesbians especially
first of all the amish thing we all know was created by some random fan and it turned into a meme in the fandom but this isn’t something you should be joking about. genderbending characters is transphobic and is cisnoramtive
it’s especially harmful because amity is sapphic you are erasing her sexuality. this is so harmful and you can’t do this even as a joke. these jokes make me very very uncomfortable and many others too so we are asking you to stop it and listen to us
now onto this.... hooty and amity thing........... sigh
first of all hooty is so much older than amity and amity is a 14 year old MINOR. shipping her with an adult is a pedophillic ship and very disgusting and harmful. even as a joke this isn’t funny and many of us have expressed how uncomfy this makes us feel.
this is especially uncomfy for lesbians because shipping us with men is extremely lesbophobic and harmful and even shipping us with pedophillic ships and ANIMALS ??? is disgusting and lesbophobic .
lesbians are not attracted to men and joke shipping us with them is putting us in danger for it to happen irl so please do not do that. it’s lesbophobic and not a funny cute joke to make.
a pattern that constantly arises with sapphic representation is it often gets joked around with pedophillic jokes and genderbending and this isn’t ok. our rep isn’t something to mess with we barley get enough as it is so ruining the little we have is so harmful.
“it’s just a cartoon” no seriously shut up a lot of us take comfort in these characters and to see them be harmed like this is disgusting. plus an animated figure doesn’t change the actions that you are committing stop it.
i also want to add that trigger warnings are very important stop complaining about people wanting trigger warnings if it’s harmful. but also don’t joke around with tws. and don’t confuse them with content warnings either. missuses of tws happened last night too
if i need to add anything i will but i do care about this fandom but we can make jokes without relying on making others uncomfortable and being transphobic and lesbophobic
in conclusion treat sapphic representation better
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