Choose the people you let into your life wisely.
How I got to write my ebook.

I used to plan EVERYTHING. I am a planner and everyone around me knows this. But a certain someone I let into my life led me down a path of stagnance and self doubt.
You see, (not to place blame but) I didn't really have the best relationship with either of my parents growing up so any type of relationship I have formed in my adult life has suffered in some type of way and I have paid the price for them all one way or another.
One particular relationship that stands out was a few years ago. Being the planner I am, I have always had a 5-year plan and in addition to that, I plan my week and month in advance, I also do my budget weekly and monthly. Yea, it's a bit much lol
I shared my dreams and goals, showed him my vision board and he literally made fun of it. He mocked me and mocked everything about my vision and being the girl with an unhealthy attachment style, I laughed it off and sided with him while killing my little hopes and dreams.
Out of anger and embarrassment, the next morning I ripped it apart and threw it all out. For 3 years I have attempted to put a vision board together and the one time I managed, it lastesd two days before I ripped it and throw it out. He planted self-doubt in me and I allowed him.
One of the things that were on the initial vision board was that I wanted to write a book. At the beginning of the year when I was putting together my ebook, Influencer Guide his words started replaying and I found myself stepping away from typing that ebook countless times.
I had to dig within myself for courage and I prayed to regain my self-confidence. God sent my close friends Kumbi and Chantelle to push and cheer me on. It's been two weeks since it's been on sale and...
we are very close to bagging R50k. Imagine if I still allowed myself to live as a prisoner of his words?!

Develop a healthy attachment style, work on yourself, and choose who you let into your life wisely. I've been seeing a therapist and it has helped me deal with life.
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