Dawned on me when folks say they can’t find any that in many cases they meant union. We put it all nice & pretty in a pdf w/graphs & stats & I took it around to every studio. Told Heads of Production & Development at Production Companies & not one single person gave a fuck. 2/5
Oh yes and media outlets as well. So now because of the deaths of 3 Black people at the hands of cops, the rebellion, etc., LA Times does a article. FYI, I told them as well about the stats. BTW, our stats tracked with Annenberg and UCLA. 3/5
Of course they did since those are based on the top 200 films and what do they have in common, unions. If you want Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, you have got to take on the unions. So now studios/production companies will you take on the unions? 4/5
Also, LISTEN when Black Women speak. And I fucking told you so... 5/5
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