I just watched How to Take a Digital Note by @fortelabs which was also essentially a preview for BASB. Took some notes on it (ha the irony) and sharing some highlights below in case it is useful to others!
You should have four criteria for what to keep and include in your second brain. These include things that are 1) Inspiring 2) Useful 3) Easily Lost and 4) Personal
Personal is the one that stuck out to me because these are experiential learnings that are truly not available to be found anywhere else except through your own journey and experiences.
"You can't Google something that is personally meaningful to you." It invokes emotion to resurface an idea in your own notes rather than just looking it up online.
It's not about consuming or reading more. You just need to save the best parts of what you are already consuming. Doing this alone will put you so far ahead of others who don't do it.
Your second brain is not one app. You need a toolkit of apps and remember that apps are just a means to an end not an end in themselves.
Information Overload is turning into Information Exhaustion. The volume of things we have to look at, pay attention to, and execute on is higher now than it ever was before.
The mindset of a creator can be broken down into four buckets: 1) Going from public to private with your thoughts 2) Focusing on timeless things rather than novel ones 3) Moving away from the sensational and towards the subtle 4) Creating more than you consume
Digital abstinence isn't realistic most of the time (but still take vacations!). There is too much creativity happening on the internet to just avoid it completely.
Finding a balance between Information Exhaustion and Digital Abstinence should be the goal. Tiago argues that the Second Brain is the way to do this.
Hopefully this was useful to someone! Let me know what you think about this and if you agree or disagree. Thanks @fortelabs for the talk and @teachable and @jess_catorc for hosting!
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