Thinking about the tweets about replies and relationships and strangers going around currently in regards to sort of my own interactions with people who reply to me.
I'm very...different, in-person versus online. I struggle a lot with any kind of social situation because I'm easily overwhelmed and I'm very bad with social cues so if I don't like someone I'll generally just point blank avoid them because it's just too much effort.
But I have a lot more energy online so I tend to compensate for that by being hyper-social. Which has gotten me into a lot of trouble because I can be too trusting.
I also have a tendency to answer questions people level at me so quickly that I forget to ask myself if engaging is even a good idea. Like I just really like being useful but that's been kind of my downfall in the past.
Also tbh I do typically feel obligated to reply to every single reply regardless of how many there are and I need to uh stop feeling that way
I think also a part of this is that when I was building my photography career and working the Instagram algorithm it was 100% an expectation that you interact with EVERYONE because all engagement is good engagement and you just owe people your time, duh 🙃🙃🙃
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