(Ireland) When shopping a US site, I sometimes use . An Post provides you with both a UK and US shipping address, and forwards your mail to Ireland. It costs between $15.99-$20.99 to have US parcels forwarded (cntd.)
(cntd.) All are tracked, and it takes about a week. Using this, I have been caught for customs about 50% of the time. In theory, if you were to buy the Addie LaRue owlcrate box, you could pay the US shipping to your virtual address and then the $20.99 for home delivery (cntd.)
(cntd.) This means you will pay $28.98-$33.98 postage, depending on box weight, rather than the $46.99 Owlcrate rate to Ireland.
Still not great, but every little helps, and An Post are a sound bunch of lads.
I'm afraid AddressPal only works for Irish addresses, but  seems to be a good option for anyone in the UK? Same premise. Shipping to the UK would be around $31.99 instead of $52.99.
**I have not used this service, just seems to be the best from research
See whole thread to hopefully reduce shipping cost of the Addie box đź–¤
@BirdWithABrain @HedwigsBooks @idealpages @ElizabethKS @EvidentlyB
(although the UK price using a virtual address might work out the same, Bec has a MyUS account and commented about it above)
@MisElizann this is what we were talking about x
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