My rent check, sent priority mail, arrived 2 weeks late. It wasn’t scanned by the post office for ten days. Thankfully my landlord was understanding. But this postal service mess is going to result in evictions, punitive costs, etc. for many. Fuck this administration forever.
I'm thinking back to the years when I was broke, and a check being late or a missed payment, not receiving a notice about a bill, car registration, etc. All those things can tip the scales for someone living on the edge. What a nightmare.
If you think the take away from this is that "i should ask my landlord if they accept venmo" please, move along
Also - for the people in my mentions saying "this is not new" - actually it is. I have an etsy shop and use the post office a lot. It IS new. Every single package I've shipped (over 50 in the past two weeks) has been DELAYED.
Because many people with zero imagination can't fathom a reality other than their own:
1) my landlord asked we mail our rent during the pandemic
2) I printed my postage at home & then dropped off
3) priority mail has tracking, but my label wasn't scanned for ten days. Not normal
4) The truth is: many Americans rely on the postal service. This tweet was meant to highlight this. Get out of your ass and understand that not everyone has access to electronic payments. Renters often don't have a choice. Small businesses, many need this utility
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