A few notes re next steps @cbldf ...
First, with respect to the original source of the quote at the end of Doom Patrol 62 - mea culpa! I don't know a lot about certain bands, obviously, and there are references even the most diligent IP lawyers don't catch.
Though copyright, ASCAP and comics is definitely a topic worthy of discussion as a matter of creator self-protection, and I'm adding it to my list - it's an issue with which I have experience in advising, even if I personally don't know the lyrics to every song.
On a structural level @cbldf, getting back to helping creators is one of the first things we discussed, and that's already started. I'll be posting on the website soon re pertinent news & explanations, and ...
Anyone who seeking help on a pressing matter with which @cbldf might help should get in touch with the organization or me directly, [email protected] or via DMs here, LinkedIn, or Facebook (I'm @jefftrexler) at all.
With regard to organizational ethics, we've started work on internal reforms of policy and procedures. Harassment is central, obviously - it's an issue on which I've been working for almost 20 years, and there's much more to follow on this.
For those of you who are skeptical - or angry - at corporate speak and investigations in the harassment realm, I'm right there with you. That's why I've worked on this issue for so long, including freelancer/independent contractor rights and reporting/response reform.
Diversification is also on the agenda, as are other institutional reforms that, when we discuss them later, might sound like mundane legal work but are incredibly important.
Transparency is a core value, so you'll be hearing a lot from me about all of this as things are put in place.
The commitment to creators' rights remains strong, as does the commitment to creative freedom and access. I've been around long enough to have followed the history of the CBLDF since its founding, and its mission continues to be relevant - and important - today.
You can follow @jefftrexler.
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