What I did to COMPLETELY change my appearance.........my dive into epigenetics.

Added an inch to my height. Lightened my hair and eye color. And overall reshaped my face.

Note: I’m not linking any gay studies. I’m telling you what worked for me. Take it or leave it
I tell you this to start:
The time between these two pictures is about 2 years.

A lot happened between those two pictures. Lots of fluctuation in lifestyle, body weight, training, etc.
Biggest thing you gotta do:

You could have low Test, high E, high Cortisol or more messing with your body.

There are MANY environmental factors that could be f*cking up your hormones.
The 2 big ones are alcohol and food.
Your hormonal imbalance is suppressing the expression of your genes.

You haven’t reached your full genetic potential because of it.

Hormonal imbalances lead to
> acne
> fat
> water retention
> decreased muscle mass
and much much more.
Alcohol part 1:

Light alcohol consumption won’t have too much of an impact on you. It’s when things get excessive. If your frequency is high, your body never has a chance to recover.

Drinking 2+ nights a week is going to have a negative impact. Your body needs time to detox.
Alcohol part 2 continued:

The amount you consume may be more important than how much you consume.

If you drink past a certain point; you’ll shut off Muscle protein synthesis. Enter skinny fat look.

You’ll also be suppressing your testosterone, and spiking cortisol. Not good.
Alcohol part 3:

Someone who’s overweight and lacking muscle mass I’d say go zero alcohol for 2-3 months.

Once you build a foundation, you can start working it back into your lifestyle.

If you’re gonna drink, keep it light and infrequent. Earn those days off.

Food quality is EXTREMELY important.

Yes meat, eggs, fruit, all great stuff. But the quality of that food is much more important than the type.

Eating products from an animal who lived a poor life is going to transfer that negative energy to your body.
Food part 2:

Processed foods have excessive sugar and seed oils.

An excess of added sugar is going to spike insulin and cause an estrogen imbalance.

Seed oils and PUFAs lead to inflammation in the body. Avoid.

These foods also come in plastic exposing you to BPA. Not good.
Food part 3:

Junk food won’t kill you if you eat it infrequently. But if you’re struggling with your health, I recommend you cut it out completely until you bring your body into balance.

Your body won’t crave that crap anymore once you meet all your nutritional needs.
Food part 4:

> eat organic when you can
> avoid processed foods as much as you can
> don’t eat anything that comes pre packaged
> an excess of healthy fat will bring your T levels up while manipulating quality carbs can control cortisol

Train, train, train, and train some more.

Lift weights! Find a decent bodybuilding protocol and run it into the ground.

Stop running! It makes you skinny fat. It spikes your cortisol.

The more muscle you build the more your metabolism increases.

8-9 hours a day is perfect.
I wouldn’t go less than 7.

6 hours for prolonged periods is going to have a negative impact on your cognitive function.

Most of us don’t drink enough water (I’m one of them).

You see what we may perceive as “fat” could just be water retention. Less water retention=leaner appearance.

You may find when you’re thoroughly hydrated, the skin is healthier, your face is leaner, hair is fuller.

No porn should be a given. No fap is a must as well.

Be careful what sorts of hygiene products you’re putting in/on your body it may be loaded with hormone suppressing chemicals.

Get sun as often as possible. If you can’t, supplement vitamin D.

Once you can get everything in check, you’ll notice many physiological changes.

Facial structure will change, you may grow, even your hair or eye color could change.
I went from brown to dirty blonde.
Epigenetics part 2:

Important to note; you’ll only notice physiological changes within your genetic limit.

For most of us, this means our full potential is actually suppressed.

Once you lift that suppression and remove what’s been holding you back, you’ll change quickly.
Epigenetics part 3:

> diet
> lifestyle
> exercise

If you get these 3 in check you will transform yourself.

I have people tell me I look like a different person.

In reality I’ve simply reached the true expression of my genome.
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