Last night Border Patrol in full riot gear used teargas & less-lethal projectile weapons to disperse a protest in Bend, Oregon led by pastors. The protest started in response to ICE abducting 2 Hispanic community members without identifying themselves or having a warrant. (1/x)
The protest was entirely peaceful. Their intention was to blockade ICE from moving so immigration attorneys had time to file papers with the federal court before ICE disappeared the two men. Pay attention. (2/x)
You may not like the protests in downtown Portland. You may not understand the rage that burns beneath the surface and you may believe that the graffiti and broken glass invalidate the protest. But even if that’s your position, pay attention. (3/x)
Last night in Bend the protest was peaceful. It was almost entirely middle class suburban white people. And still, they came out in riot gear, acting like an occupation force. (4/x)
You may not support or approve of BLM, but a time is coming when the reason for protest will be closer to home, and by then it may be too late. (5/x)
ICE is immoral. Homeland Security (as an over-arching agency with questionable authority) should be disbanded. Police should not be deploying tactical military gear. No officer of the law should ever be above accountability. (6/x)
Watch carefully. Perhaps the people crying out in protest don’t matter to you. But a time is coming when it will be your loved ones, your beliefs, your community on the line. (7/x)
Reflect on the words of Martin Niemöller, a German Lutheran pastor reflecting on WW2: “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a socialist. (8/x)
“...Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” (9/x)
Live video from a pastor who was there and involved. This is at the start. Yesterday afternoon. (x/10)
2nd video from the same pastor later in the night. (11/x)
3rd video from the same pastor. When Feds arrive. (12/x)
4th video when the violence was started by federal officers. (13/x)
Freedom isn’t freedom unless it’s for everyone. If you don’t fight for everyone’s freedom, you are only interested in priviledge for yourself. Christians—this ought to matter to us deeply, both as a matter of living out our baptism and as a matter of our religious freedom. (15/x)
I will not be debating or responding to questions on this topic. Blessings upon you. “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Amen. (16/16 - fin)
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