As promised here's my thread on Campus Reform, right wing attacks on academics, and the right wing disinformation machine. Let's start w exhibit A
So I had a thread yesterday on the VP choice of Kamala Harris, and what needs to happen this election cycle. I spoke strongly about the need to crush the already in tatters Republican Party, aka Trumpism.
This thread was picked up by "senior" writer at Campus Reform. I won't link to him or them, but you should go block both of their twitter accounts now.
The email was sent at 12:01 am, too late for most people to look at their email. Tactic #1- email the professor late so that you can claim you got in touch with them. Then you post up your "article"
But let's back up a minute. Who or What is Campus Reform? Well, it was founded back in 2009. Think of this in the vein of other groups like Turning Point, etc. Founded to "train" young conservatives.
the purpose of Campus reform is to track "liberal professors" administrators, etc, anyone who is not supportive of or vocal about issues that are "upsetting" to conservatives.
What it is really designed to do is to a. Stop free speech of academics/anyone else b. Attack professors who talk about race, gender, sexuality, diversity in any form , or c. Silence anyone expressing viewpoints antithetical to conservative viewpoints. Most importantly....
it's about keeping Conservative media food chain fed. clicks breed clicks. Lies breed more lies. Campus reform is on the middle of this food chain, and they feed both the blogs, and outlets like Fox News
So they follow professors, especially ones like me who are vocal, and have a media presence. They pick up a thread (like mine yesterday) and write about how I have incendiary rhetoric- this time, the hook of the email is "Why I don't like Kamala Harris" PFFT. That is incorrect
That's just a hook to trick you into replying to that sweet little email that you see at top of the threat. always polite. But it's a Brer Rabbit Briar patch trick. They always want you to say more. Because they will twist up your words anyway, or use them so you'll be attacked.
So in this case, I'm betting the article will be about how I'm on the Professor Watchlist, how I am a "radical" professor, and how I want the Republican party in tatters. Hey, I think the President is doing a good job of that ON HIS OWN.
what should you do about this? There are a few things you can do. 1. check your feed periodically for anyone with a Campus Reform tag line or a Turning point tag. Block em all. That won't resolve everything, but its a good start. The perp in the email above followed me yesterday
Two, in this time of the pandemic, and of asynchronous lectures and virtual courses, assume that there is a chance that your lecture will be recorded, especially on controversial subjects like sexuality, race/racism or the election. Be aware.Resist the urge to be flippant
What organizations like Campus reform and Turning point have done is made the classroom a distrustful, and sometimes hostile space. I've gone through these attacks and having people call Penn and ask me to be fired. These are coordinated by well funded orgs
These kind of organized disinformation campaigns have recruited conservative students to be "good conservatives", but they are about the business of destroying the free speech they claim to support (only for themselves) and to continue to brand colleges and universities as "bad"
So if you are attacked, and they write about you (I recommend putting a google search on your email so you can catch the articles) Be sure to inform your chair and Dean, etc. Most universities are becoming more aware of these groups, but many administrators do not.
This results in reprimands, censuring of social media, and in some cases, loss of positions or jobs.There is a whole list of people I could name like this. Also, NEVER, EVER give a quote Do not reply to the emails. ITS A TRAP
On your part, think about what you want to say "on here" and how you want to say it. Maybe you don't overtly reference Trump, etc , key words that groups like Campus Reform or Turning point gravitate towards (also race) That's if you are skittish and haven't gotten tenure, etc.
I've taken the hits, so you can run. This election cycle is important. We face unprecedented attacks on our democracy, and now, we have students being weaponized against us. So much opposition is going to happen, and believe me, Professors and educators will be attacked.
I'm happy to help if you are attacked, and later when I have time I'll post up some resources to help you navigate all of this. But let's be clear- Right wing organizations like Turning Point and Campus Reform do not care about "scholarship", free speech, or intellectual debate
They exist to feed the conservative media platform, provide clicks, and promoting their particular beliefs. The canard about conservative voices not being represented in the university is just that. The irony is, I teach and write about conservative religion, and I know them WELL
So if you unfortunately get attacked, feel free to reach out. I can help. And I'll be posting up my article on Kamala Harris later. I guess he'll be disappointed that I'm defending her.
You can follow @AntheaButler.
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