the discourse around this is so unbelievably cursed

he has made a sincere effort to engage well

unfortunately, like quite a lot of men, he has not made the assumption — which it is *always* polite to make — that his interlocutor is better informed than he is
there is a reason “girls pretending to be stupid to make men comfortable” is a whole meme on here

it’s much easier to dismiss one’s own intellectual passions than have a guy dismiss them for you (a rejection which you must always sweetly absorb for the sake of politeness)
of course, this can go any way and frequently does. but more often, as with this example, it is gendered
oh also it’s invariably considered incumbent upon women to be angelically tolerant of men being patronising

“they’re just not socially aware!” correct, they often aren’t, because quite frankly men can often get away with being blind to others’ needs. women have no such luxury
anyway. what’s up I can’t read
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