Face Coverings Exemptions - Toolkit - Colleagues please share with clients & profession connections ... There has been much in the press recently about disabled people who are unable to wear face masks being challenged by other members of the public ... https://coronavirusresources.phe.gov.uk/stay-alert-to-stay-safe-/resources/face-coverings-exemptions-toolkit/
It’s essential that we respect those who cannot wear a face covering as they may be unable to wear one because of a health condition, or with someone who requires lip reading to communicate - Let’s be kind and remember, not all disabilities &/or health conditions are visible!...
The link at the top of this thread will take you to a face mask toolkit ... Please feel free to use it and also share it as widely as possible - Further resources will be available soon and I will keep you updated...
Colleagues, ever mindful of competition law ... When & wherever we can, let’s collaborate to improve #Inclusion #Access #ConsumerOutcomes and #SignpostingToSpecialists be they advisers, brokers, support & rehabilitation services plus, & importantly, charities & consumer groups.
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