Pmd2 is actually very fucked up a thread
"Hey let's go on a suicide mission to save the world because there s nothing we can look forward to in this dark future"
Holy shit fine then reptain celebi and hero!! That's fucking depressing!!!!!!!!
Team skull legitly. Never reappearing after being and I quote "severely injured on the floor" in that dungeon..... Like..... uh.....
Did they die...?
Overall, the amount of self-sacrifices holy shit team skull, the future Pokemon ....
A. Public. Execution.
I don't need more explanations, right?
U go into the nightmare of someone else which is full of monsters that's kind of fucked up ngl
A vision in which your partner whom you trust with your life changes to the dark side and you almost fucking join
Darkrai forgetting literally EVERYTHING after cresselia fucks shit up but also not.
Not for sure so he could literally just do the same.
The hero omits so much to the partner. "I'm going to die after this" maybe would've been appropriate to say huh?
End of thread I fucking love pmd2 sjdnndndmd
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