Pals, this week has been down as "scary space week" in my calendar for a while, as it's prob the first time I've had proper content on #space come out and it's all happened at once!
So, if you're interested in my space interests, here's a thread of my engagements from this week:
Essentially, I am interested in applying systems theory and inclusive approaches to space safety and security issues, specifically surrounding verification and technical policy issues!
@theELN were kind enough to invite me to write a commentary on Rendezvous Proximity Operations, and I used it as a chance to briefly talk about interlinkages between actors and institutions within the space complex
I wrote a short piece about Space Situational Awareness, debris and safety for our ( @vertic_org's) regular publication Trust and Verify, specifically looking at China's Long March 5B rocket launch
I participated in the fantastic @SpaceLawGames1 event run by @ChrisNewman1972 @dinsleyr and @MertEvirgen2 - mostly listened and learned, which was fab, but said some things about verification in space also
Earlier this year, I wrote an introductory piece on Space Situational Awareness and ASAT testing for @vertic_org
Also earlier this year, I spoke at the FANTASTIC #SSiC2020 virtual conference organised by @ellietheelement and @Divya_M_P (where I felt very very underqualified but lucky to be speaking!)
And, finally (for now? I might have forgotten things) today my @UKSEDS podcast episode on space policy and equity diversity and inclusion was released! #PreparingForLaunch
So, yes, I'm slowly trying to build a career in space safety and security policy as a technical/policy interface expert. This is me speaking it into existence! (Also @gechristopher called me VERTIC's resident space expert, which is what pushed me to make this thread!)
You can follow @anulikesstars.
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