A thread how women contribute to male gender roles and toxic masculinity!
In the wake of the 21st century the notion gender roles are antiquated has become increasingly accepted and yet often expectation of men hasn’t changed but the way men are expected to treat women in terms of gender roles has. Society has progressed where the expected
role for women has evolved and changed in a way that women can and should chase careers and personal goals, but the same can not be said for men, the expectation of men to be traditionally successful, be the bread winner even if their partner is similarly successful and also
maintain the facade of it all, has not, often it can be said how women want to be treated has changed and rightfully so, but however they expect to be treated by men and how they treat men has not, the dating scene almost entirely puts an explicit weight for men to present
themselves as responsible, accountable and in a completely great place financial is utterly cumbersome and disingenuous, it feeds into ideals of traditional masculinity and forces the complete internalization of all issues and emotions out of the socially acceptable norm
And further prevents the progression of society as a whole, just as women should want society to progress past gender roles for women, the expectation should be the same for men, gender roles are pervasive and completely unhelpful, feeding into it does nothing but harm everyone
involved, so tweets about expecting your mans to pay for everything is wrong, tweeting x behaviour in gay in men is wrong (not only for the toxic masculinity aspect but also because it’s homophobia), making jokes about men’s mental health is wrong, and generally anything that
plays into traditional gender roles for men is to be avoided
Gonna put a disclaimer this doesn’t mean men don’t also do this too, that’s a whole separate thread I’ve done on this account
There is a higher res of this my nigga, you’re living poor for no reason
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