BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: As a former health insurance exec turned whistleblower, I'm launching a first-of-its-kind project👇 to battle greedy corporations, lobbyists & politicians who fight to preserve our deadly health care system. We must fix it now. (1/10) 
Our core belief at the Center for Health & Democracy (CHD) is the revolutionary idea that healthcare shouldn't be driven by industry profits & greed, but the needs & rights of all Americans to get the quality care they need without concern for cost. Here's how we'll do it: (2/10)
We'll have two primary functions. First: Make sure every American understands how broken our healthcare system is & that we pay more than other countries for worse care, just so middle-man corporations can make billions. We'll work to ensure Americans demand change. (3/10)
More & more Americans are reaching this conclusion already. In recent polls, voters in all states wanted to transform the system👇. Which makes our 2nd function even more vital: Doing the democratic work needed to actually get these reforms enacted. (4/10)
While voters want major health care reform, powerful corporations & their lobbyists do not. They rake in billions, while Americans die needlessly & millions go bankrupt. It's all about greed over care. These special interests spend billions to keep reform from happening. (5/10)
To win the messaging battle, we'll fight against corporate propaganda that, as a former health insurance industry insider I know all about. And to get these changes made, we'll do groundbreaking reports & exposes, war-room style communications work & political engagement. (6/10)
In short, we'll serve as a counter to lobbyists & spinmeisters who spread disinformation & exert undue influence on the policy process. On the messaging front, we just published a big piece in the Washington Post exposing the industry's worst lies👇 (7/10)
During this pandemic, we've seen the consequences of allowing their political influence to continue. Health insurers are making record profits while millions of Americans have lost their insurance along with their jobs. To fight against them, we need your support. (8/10)
To consider supporting us financially, please see the link below. Thank you for your support so we can dismantle this broken system, prevent countless bankruptcies, and save millions of lives. (9/10)
For more information, please check out this video. (/END.)
You can follow @wendellpotter.
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