"We’re half a year on from WHO sounding its highest alarm by declaring the #COVID19 outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

At the time, on 30 January, there were just 100 cases outside of China and no deaths"- @DrTedros
"Since then there has been an exponential rise in #COVID19 cases and every country in the world has been impacted"- @DrTedros https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1293934023925014528?s=20
"And with major disruptions to essential health services, the ripple effects of this pandemic are having a major impact politically, economically and in how people live their day-to-day lives.

Everyone is asking, so how do we go back to ‘normal’?"- @DrTedros #COVID19
"And today, I want to talk about not how we’re going to go back but how we’re going to go forward.

And that to move forward, the best bet is to do it together"- @DrTedros #COVID19
"In early January, at the beginning of the outbreak, WHO activated our global technical networks to gather all available information about this virus"- @DrTedros #COVID19
"Within the first two weeks of January, the viral genome of #COVID19 was mapped in #China, shared globally and the first PCR test protocol was shared on the WHO website"- @DrTedros
"This enabled the first diagnostics to be developed, vaccine research to start and soon after millions of tests, personal protective equipment and supplies were shipped around the world"- @DrTedros #COVID19 https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1293934607776329728?s=20
"In February, we held the WHO’s R&D Blueprint meeting where scientists & researchers from across the world came together to identify research priorities.

A roadmap was created for the development & fair distribution of diagnostics, therapeutics & vaccines"- @DrTedros #COVID19
"Also, in February and March, numerous countries showed that it’s never too late to suppress #COVID19 using a comprehensive approach.

This includes active case finding and isolation, contact tracing and quarantine, adequate testing and appropriate clinical care"- @DrTedros
"With these tools it was clearly possible to break the chains of #COVID19 transmission by a combination of traditional public health techniques"- @DrTedros https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1293935123218472962?s=20
"As the #COVID19 pandemic evolved, countries clearly needed to come together in an unprecedented way to develop new vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics – and to set the stage for ensuring that they reach all people, everywhere"- @DrTedros
"In April, WHO convened world leaders and launched the Access to #COVID19 Tools- ACT-Accelerator.

In just three months, the accelerator has already shown results"- @DrTedros https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1253675702005760001?s=20
"As of today:

Nine #COVID19 vaccine candidates are already in the COVAX portfolio and going through Phase 2 or 3 trials; and this portfolio – already the broadest in the world – is constantly expanding"- @DrTedros
"And through the COVAX Global Vaccines Facility, countries that represent nearly 70% of the global population have signed up or expressed an interest to be part of the new initiative"- @DrTedros #COVID19
"On therapeutics, the first proven therapy for severe #COVID19, #Dexamethasone, was announced in June with support from the therapeutic accelerator arm and is currently in scale-up"- @DrTedros https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1273002041930022912?s=20
"On diagnostics, more than 50 tests are currently in evaluation, and new evidence has been generated around rapid antigen detection tests that could be game-changing"- @DrTedros #COVID19
"The Act Accelerator is the only global framework for ensuring the fair and equitable allocation of #COVID19 tools.

But it must be financed to be successful"- @DrTedros
"IMF estimates the #COVID19 pandemic costs the global economy $375 billion a month and predicts a cumulative loss to the global economy over two years of over $12 trillion"- @DrTedros
"The world has already spent trillions dealing with the short-term consequences of the #COVID19 pandemic.

@g20org countries alone have mobilized more than $10 trillion in fiscal stimulus to treat and mitigate the consequences of the pandemic"- @DrTedros
"That is already more than three and a half times as much as the world spent in the entire response to the global financial crisis"- @DrTedros #COVID19 https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1293936398857383937?s=20
"It’s easy to think of the ACT Accelerator as an R&D effort; but in reality it’s the best economic stimulus the world can invest"- @DrTedros #COVID19
"Funding the ACT Accelerator will cost a tiny fraction in comparison to the alternative where economies retract further & require continued fiscal stimulus packages"- @DrTedros #COVID19
"Before spending another $10 trillion dollars on the consequences of the next #COVID19 wave, we estimate that the world will need to spend at least $100 billion on new tools, especially any new vaccines that are developed"- @DrTedros
"The first & most immediate need is $31.3 billion, for the ACT Accelerator.
It is the only up & running global initiative that brings together all the global R&D, manufacturing, regulatory, purchasing & procurement needed, for all the tools required, to stop #COVID19"- @DrTedros
"Picking individual winners is an expensive, risky gamble.

The ACT-Accelerator enables governments to spread the risk and share the reward.

In particularly, the development of vaccines is long, complex, risky and expensive"- @DrTedros #COVID19
"The vast majority of vaccines in early development fail.

The world needs multiple #COVID19 vaccine candidates of different types to maximize the chances of finding a winning solution"- @DrTedros
"When a successful new #COVID19 vaccine is found there will be greater demand than there is supply.

Excess demand and competition for supply is already creating vaccine nationalism and risk of price gouging"- @DrTedros
"This is the kind of market failure that only global solidarity, public sector investment and engagement can solve.

But the ACT-A funding gap can’t be covered by traditional development assistance alone"- @DrTedros #COVID19 https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1293937587799957506?s=20
"The best solution for everyone is a blend of development assistance & additional 💰 from stimulus packages to fund this effort.
This blend of 💰 is the best solution right now because it’s the fastest way to end the #COVID19 pandemic & ensure a swift global recovery"- @DrTedros
"We live in a globalised economy and countries are dependent on each other for goods and services, transportation and supply.

If we don't get rid of the virus everywhere, we can't rebuild economies anywhere"- @DrTedros #COVID19
"The real the beauty of the ACT-Accelerator and its work is that stimulus investments and globally coordinated rollout of new vaccines, tests and therapeutics would have a major multiplier effect on our economies"- @DrTedros #COVID19
"The sooner we stop the #COVID19 pandemic, the sooner we can ensure internationally inter-linked sectors like travel, trade and tourism can truly recover"- @DrTedros
"There’s hope.

If we all deploy the tools currently at our disposal today and if we collectively invest in new tools through the Act Accelerator, we have a route out of the #COVID19 pandemic.

Together! Together! Together!"- @DrTedros
"Over the past two years, working with the Government of the #DRC, communities, #healthworkers and local and international partners, we collectively defeated one of the most difficult #Ebola outbreaks the world has ever faced"- @DrTedros
"However, at the time of #COVID19, the outbreak in Equateur province is a worrying development.

So far there have been 86 #Ebola cases across the province"- @DrTedros
"The country [ #DRC 🇨🇩], government and partners face significant logistical challenges in being able to rapidly investigate and establish response capacities in extremely remote and difficult areas to access"- @DrTedros #Ebola https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1293938665928916995?s=20
"The geographic spread of the #Ebola outbreak is vast, with cases in some areas separated by more than 250 kilometers and many areas are only accessible by helicopter or boat"- @DrTedros #DRC https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1293938665928916995?s=20
"Right now, WHO has approximately 100 staff on the ground, working with the @MinSanteRDC, @UN agencies, NGOs & communities.
We immediately released $2.5M from the contingency fund for emergencies & our regional emergency response fund to support the immediate response"- @DrTedros
"To bring this #Ebola outbreak under control & end it, WHO & partners require additional funding.

We’re currently working with surrounding provinces and neighboring countries to enhance preparedness as we did with the previous Ebola outbreak in Eastern #DRC"- @DrTedros
"This is not just a matter for a countries health security, it is a matter of global health security.

Whether it’s #COVID19, #Ebola or other high impact epidemics, we must be prepared, we need to be on high alert a& we need to respond quickly"- @DrTedros
"And our best chance to be successful is always do it together"- @DrTedros https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1293939646083334147?s=20
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