I had no idea how much energy & focus I got from being around others

Six months in to the US’s shutdown and I’m struggling to motivate myself to do... anything

Some good thoughts today would be appreciated
I’m gonna be leaving my job soon. I thought I was doing okay & I’m just.. not? And the thought of having to do the work I do, which I already dont like,but MORE and completely alone?

I’ve hit a wall of what I can accomplish & it sucks to admit that as a high achiever
I may start streaming full time if I cant find an irl job because I dont want to burn out the goodwill I have here but I cant work 16 hour days from my apartment, at a job I *dont like* with limited support

I just... I cant
Mmm just found out multiple other people have left my unit and am feeling a little less alone in struggling here? Nice.
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