The conventional agriculture system rewards farmers for maximizing yield rather than maximizing nutrients.
So it makes sense why so many farmers resort to monocropping and factory farming in order to stand a chance and make money.
But this system has degraded the soil and we have lost over 75% of the world’s crop varieties in the last century.
Degraded soil has significantly less nutrients —> Our food has less nutrients —> we consume less nutrients —> we over consume calories to try to obtain these nutrients.
As an example, we have to consume 8 oranges today to obtain the same level of nutrients that our grandparents received. That’s 8 times the number of calories.
The outcome? A large % of our population is malnourished yet obese (America in 2020).
Soil health matters. And regenerative agriculture is an incredible tool at our disposal to build nutrient-dense topsoil at a relatively quick pace through animal impact and holistic land management.
Wouldn’t it be cool if farmers were rewarded and compensated for the nutrient content in their food? Or the total carbon sequestration rate of their soil? How can we make this happen?
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