A autism thread for the timeline, discussing topics I don’t really see talked about on the spectrum
1: When it comes 2 empathy, u have non empaths and hyper empaths. Non empaths can’t relate 2 people and have a hard time connecting/feeling sorrowful 4 others. hyper empaths relate too much, they may have a hard time consuming media because they feel 2 much for the characters
2: stimming is rarely mentioned in medical settings because it’s seen as weird and that’s something that needs to change, most autistic people can’t help tics or stims (ie: hand flapping, tapping, head whirls, etc)
3: autistic people may have trouble with kids (or may not want to be around them) please respect us if we don’t associate well with children, we miss social cues that kids simply don’t have and it’s harder than interacting with older neurotypicals
4: non verbal autistic people CAN hear you (unless they are also deaf/hearing impaired) and they understand what you are saying. If you talk abt them like they’re completely unaware, they’ll fucking know
5: avoid phrases/having conversations that leave us unexpected, it’s not easy being unaware of upcoming events, example: come downstairs” “why?” “Because I need you” this could be more alarming than you think to us
6: autism in AFAB is rarely recognized or diagnosed because of a misogynistic medical community, instead AFAB are labeled as emotional manipulators and traumatized because of it.
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