
"Top Ten" Covid updates of the week

All in one handy thread

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1-Science says kids should be at school in person.

Politicians say too much "risk".

But kids are 6x more likely to die from the Flu and they don't seem to spread Covid to adults🤔


@Avik Roy has the goods in this thread. 👇👇👇
2-We should be playing college football this fall as well.

College kids are 23x more likely to die in a car accident than from Covid.

As Trevor Lawrence (Clemson QB) states, sending them home does NOT reduce risk for the players.

3-Evidence continues to mount that we are reaching herd immunity at about 20% of the population, not the 70% that the experts predicted, thanks to T-Cell immunity.

Excellent thread from @JamesTodaroMD 👇👇👇
6-Masks don't work either.

I wish they did, but the very best science says otherwise.

Another randomized controlled trial study coming from Denmark soon. 👇👇👇
8-Sweden is finished with Covid with 5500 excess deaths (52 per 100k). No lockdowns, no mask mandates and no school closures. US has 54 excess deaths per 100k already.

Some lockdown countries boast lower numbers but they are NOT close to herd immunity.
9-Since the data is improving rapidly out of Texas, Florida, and Arizona it is no longer "news".

Covid hospitalization census peaked 3-4 weeks ago and now down 34%, 28% and 58% respectively.
10-Dr. Scott Atlas joined Covid taskforce and will bring a much needed voice of science and sanity to policymakers.

-Don't lockdown healthy people

-Open Schools

-Protect the vulnerable and let the young, low risk people lead us to herd immunity
11-Elites still think gov't can "control" a virus, despite the evidence, and keep pushing lockdowns and masks.

Fear is their weapon.

But per CDC, 1918 Spanish Flu killed 267 million worldwide (adj. for population) = more than 100x Covid estimates.
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