I've allways wonderd what playing seriously is in Osu!, i feel like if someone says "i don't play seriously anymore", they are just stupid because everyone plays differently, because i don't deafen in discord when playing osu does this mean im not playing seriously?
If someone doesnt shift tab or remove backround dim, are they playing for fun? but if they play farm maps does this mean that they are playing seriously? What are considered farm maps? If someone gains pp off of a map does it mean that its farm? Where does the line go?
All I have learned from this is that opinions in a game like Osu! are stupid and people should just try their best to play how they want and how they enjoy it. Anything from playing Sotarks and Browiec to Hailie or Lasse maps. No real reason, just getting sick of theese opinions.
Also while writing this thread i relized that my thread is a opinion about opinions in osu...
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