There are people telling you that there's no unique threat posed by a fascist who just admitted he is derailing the U.S. postal service in order to prevent mail-in voting during a pandemic. Process that. And then stop listening to those people about this.
I have no respect for the Democratic ticket. I find it lamentable. But we are on the brink of full blown fascism and I won't pretend I don't see what's happening bc it doesn't fit with the narrative that they're all the same.
Please read and/or listen to this and understand that fascism is already here. The question is whether we will allow Trump to steal the election and fully consolidate his power -- and to be clear, it will take more than votes to stop him.
Some folks keep saying "we were already living under fascism." There are levels. Societal fascism means there have always been ppl who have been excluded from social contracts and their enforcement, and thus, potentially subject to fascistic conditions and violence. AND ALSO...
Conditions for those people do not remain stagnant as full-blown fascism overpowers a government. They suffer they worst and the most, as we have already seen. It is unfathomable to me that people don't see where this is going for the most vulnerable among us.
The U.S. was already genocidal and that's why prisons and detention centers have so easily been converted into death chambers by the pandemic, without so much as a complaint from most people. It's why y'all are saying so little about what COVID-19 is doing to ppl on reservations.
Full blown fascism is not mere societal fascism, where some of us were already bound for abuse, suffering, or even death. It is a system that explicitly mandates those dynamics, ramps them up and expands them. It would grind under countless people who could have been saved.
And fascism that overtakes/transforms a government doesn't simply happen to a populace. It requires mass participation. That "participation" will continue to be visited upon us. This is why we need to be clear about existing dynamics vs the nightmares that are currently pending.
I'm not a Democrat. I'm not an academic. I'm an anarchist, a street organizer and a bitch who reads, and I am telling you, it matters how a system breaks.
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