Love your enemies but know who they are
You should all know who @collecamp is

The basic idea here is that instead of solving the real crisis of student debt it just needs a more streamlined bureaucracy. 1/4
This idea didn't come from Betsy DeVos, although DeVos is totally on board with this #NextGen project.

This is a nonsolution to the student debt crisis that was dreamed up by the Center For American Progress. 2/4
This commitment to nonsolutions is shared by both Democratic and Republican administrations, and this absolute clusterfuck of an idea #NextGen is the kind of fake solution that a Biden Department of Education is likely to continue. 3/4
It is the continuity of cruelty that exists between the Obama & Trump & Biden Departments of Education. It is your enemy and you should know the people behind it who are ruining your lives.

When this whole thing blows up, and it will, make sure to hold @collecamp accountable 4/4

Predictability this is how @collencamp deals with public attention to the work she is doing on #NextGen

The people who create the cruel systems that keep you in debt prefer to operate behind the scenes and stay in the shadows

The giveaway is in the title of the program itself: #NextGen

The entire purpose of these "reforms" are to make sure that our predatory student debt system persists into the next generation.

It is pure evil, but everyday they work to keep it going.
You can follow @StrikeDebt.
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