ayyo ladies. Us not speaking up is the problem neh? Let's do this.
Every month, let's write to our amazing minister about:
Every moment we were groped on public transport. Every moment our co-worker or boss made a move on us or made a comment on what we wore that day.
(cont) Everytime we were denied a job because we were newly married and will get pregnant soon. Everytime we were denied permission to go to school because we should learn how to be good house wives. Everytime we buy overpriced sanitary napkins in utter secrecy.
(cont) Everytime we are denied entry to establishments because of our hijabs or burqa. Everytime we were called Bossy because we need to get something done. Everytime we are looked down upon for choosing a profession "ill-suited" for women.
(cont) everytime we get called out for not getting married because "we are getting old now" . Everytime we are looked down upon for having a boyfriend. Everytime we are guilt tripped for not wanting children.
(cont) everytime we are bullied for our choice of fashion. Everytime we get sympathised for being too thin or too fat or too short or too tall. Everytime we are rated out of ten or chosen whether to "smash or pass"
(cont) everytime we are raped for "revealing too much". Everytime we are harassed even though we are six months old. Everytime we are judged upon for living alone or moving out.
These are just a FEW examples of what we can write about.

They don't think we speak up enough. Fine.
They don't think the news tells the truth. Fine.
They think we exaggerating. Fine.

they want us to prove it. Fine.

A letter a month it is.
You can follow @buthmeeee.
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