Calm down, lumpyhead.
“Don’t be quick to fly off the handle. Anger boomerangs. You can spot a fool by the lumps on his head.“ Ecclesiastes 7:9 (MSG)
The visual of me with a severely lumpy head has had me laughing at myself for days. 😂

But what wisdom! What a compelling visual. What a sobering reminder.
There is no shortage of things about which to fly off the handle right now. At a moment’s notice, each of us can probably rattle off our respective pressure points of frustration. We’re spread thin, everywhere, and looking for relief.
I have never once looked back at a “flying off the handle” moment with gladness. I have generally rehearsed it with embarrassment and regret, wishing I had just taken a breath. Or not needed the last word. Or that I could get my pesky pride in check, and keep it there.
Fortunately, an apology and owning our mistakes goes a long way. Even as I write this, I can think of a few apologies I could stand to offer. Maybe as you read it, you can too.
Meanwhile, someone or something is going to frustrate you today. When it happens, just whisper to yourself “calm down, lumpyhead.“ Hopefully, you’ll recall this wise verse. Even better, you might start laughing at yourself and realize it’s more than worth it to just let it go.
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