Robert Pattinson and Dan Radcliffe are both former youth franchise stars who've developed TREMENDOUS chaos vibes, yet are somehow perfect opposites in that RPattz has clearly never said something sincere ever and Dan is completely endearingly earnest about everything at all times
They've both reached Peak Chaos Levels for totally opposite reasons and it never stops fascinating me how that happened
RPattz: Everything is meaningless, including this disgusting baked pasta I'm trying to turn into a franchise because solitude is obviously bad for me

Dan: I love everything and it's amazing to be alive, supportively assisting my girlfriend as she constructs elaborate Lego sets
TOTALLY DISSIMILAR STATEMENTS AND WORLDVIEWS, yet somehow they're imbued with identical energy

This is the first time I've EVER plugged something under an unrelated tweet, but if you're entertained by this, chances are you like YA novels too, and I write those
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