From 1994 issue of Confederate Veteran Magazine: "CAMP DEMONSTRATES SUPPORT: Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell (R) is one of the two Senators that spoke on behalf of the (United Daughters of Confederacy) on the floor of the Senate after Carol Mosely Braun made her infamous speech..."
"...He was honored by John Hunt Morgan Camp 1342 in Louisville KY at the October 23 meeting."

Here is some of that "infamous" speech by Mosely Braun against the Helms/McConnell vote on the Confederate flag patent:
And here is some of McConnell's floor speech saying it never occurred to him some might find his flag vote an endorsement of slavery, saying he reveres his forefathers doing "what they thought was appropriate in their time."
While McConnell's explanation suggests he spoke as a guest twice to Confederate groups in the 80's and 90s, his glasses in the flag photo appear to match what he wore in 1993-era, as he rarely wore glasses in public in the 1980s. Anyway, that was McConnell's explanation.
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