Should I live tweet my air conditioning unit being replaced? I only ask because I know everything is low key boring right now and an older man just referred to our bathroom as "our potty," so I feel inspired.
They're already arguing with each other about a tube. I'm going to do it. It's 7:45 in the morning and they're high key hating every minute of it.
I just realized that I'm not sure if they shut the gas off, but I did just hear the grumpiest one say, "Well, no one try to use hot water right now," and then laugh nervously.
The A/C repairman just got me to get up and come see the evaporator (?) coil and said, "Look at that" and showed me all the dust build up. Said it's the worst he's seen all summer. So, I think I win.
I also should add that they are not wearing masks, they did not ask me if I wanted them to wear a mask, and my parents are coming to town today. So now my day has to include a deep clean just in case so I don't accidentally kill my parents. This is LIVING.
I just heard a gasp, followed by one of them saying, "Dude, did you see this, though? C'mere." Haunting.
One of them just complained about how crowded the bar he went to the other day was by saying, "Yeah, 10 in the morning and the place was packed." Complaining about a crowd while blazing right past drinking at 10 AM is truly one of the more Austin things I've encountered.
I have now found out that the person who was at a bar at 10 AM is not a young man as I thought by the voice, but in fact an older woman. She looks like a Pall Mall kinda gal.
I just heard her ask the guy, "You wanna just go for it?" which as we all know is an excellent attitude when it comes to installing electrical equipment.
It's also worth noting that they did not show up in a company van. It's just a guy named Rusty, some lady who didn't introduce herself, and a grey pickup truck. This feels very... off the books?
My partner is working the back bedroom and, when they started drilling, I texted him "Sorry, coffee makes me gassy" because I thought it would be funny, but he just saw it and they're no longer drilling so I guess now he thinks I just shit my pants.
Seriously, how many times can you be shocked (😼 ) by an AC unit.
What if I just started blaring WAP in the middle of all of this.
Okay, everything said aside, they are already almost finished. They were INCREDIBLY fast.
Well, it just shut off and Pall Mall lady kept saying “That’s very odd...” over and over, so who knows if they’re actually done or not.
They left and knocked over an entire table of my plants and didn’t tell me and low key tried to hide it. I’m furious.
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