From my perspective, you should always care overwhelmingly about the president or Vice President’s policies & not allow their sex or race to influence your vote. Being human, it is also OK to have an internal “woohoo!” moment if it is a woman. Also OK not to!
Not talking about Nikoko, but other people I have seen whose understandable concern about the dominance of identity politics has led them to have a conscientious objection to any attention being paid to identity at all. I think this is a mistake & a shame.
I think it is OK to celebrate 'firsts.' The first black president was momentous because this wouldn't have been thinkable only a few decades ago. We can celebrate evidence of progress w/out reducing someone to an identity category or thinking it bestows any competence or virtue.
Interestingly, I didn't think this way so much four years ago when Clinton seemed set to become president & expressed annoyance that her sex was focused on so much, but @ConceptualJames convinced me of what I just said above!
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