Today is my birthday, and judging by the cards and gifts I’ve received, word appears to have got out that I am rather fond of giraffes.
Since it’s my birthday, I’m going to be self-indulgent. So, why I love giraffes: a thread by an astronomer with no expertise on giraffes
Giraffes look absurd. When other animals want to eat things in trees, they fly or climb. Giraffes are like nope, I’m keeping my feet on the ground but let me at them trees anyway, and then they go and look like this
Giraffes’ food has no nutritional value, but they’re bloody massive, so they spend basically all day eating. Life goals tbh.
Giraffes rarely need to drink, which is fortunate because this looks awkward
Giraffes should not be able to run. I mean, look at them. And yet? Graceful af.
A group of giraffes is called a tower, because of course it is
Giraffes give birth standing up, which means the poor little newborn is welcomed to the world with a 1.5m plunge to the ground. They’re still walking 30 mins later though, because they are badass
Have you ever seen giraffes fight? It’s hilarious but also ouch
Look at how elegant and yet utterly absurd this creature is (pic from the only time I’ve seen them in the wild, still the best trip I have ever taken and one I am determined to repeat when travelling is a thing again)
Basically giraffes are evidence that there is nothing intelligent behind evolution. It’s a bunch of bodged code that often falls over and when it works it’s not always clear why and maybe it’s just two bugs cancelling each other out but let’s not question it because 💖🦒🦒💖
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