In my previous thread, I ada explain about hormonal acne. To recap, hormonal acne berkait rapat dengan our hormones. There are several signs that your pimples are related to hormones.

If you haven’t read my previous thread, boleh baca dulu so that you’ll understand it better 👇🏼
1. You’re no longer in your teen years

Yes, hormonal acne boleh occur tak kira usia but if it is the type that most likely to attack in your 20-something years. That’s because pada usia ni, women are most hormonally active.
2. Jerawat keluar around your chin & jawline

Salah satu tanda paling jelas yang you sedang mengalami hormonal acne adalah bila jerawat keluar around your lower face especially your chin & jawline.

📷: Medical News Today
Like I said in my previous thread, the excess hormones akan stimulate the oil glands which terdapat banyak dekat chin area. These excess oil glands make your skin a prime spot for hormonal acne. However, boleh jadi juga jerawat keluar along the side of your face & down your neck.
3. Your breakouts occur once a month

Hormonal acne selalunya muncul dalam corak kitaran sama macam kitaran haid. It also tends to pop up in the same place each month. This is due to the result of a particular pore being enlarged in size by previous pimple.

📷: The Independent
4. You selalu stressed out

Bila kita selalu stres, the stress hormone which is cortisol akan affect kesemua hormones lain dalam badan kita. That’s why every time kita stres, jerawat akan muncul.

📷: Inc.
5. Painful cysts

Usually, kalau jerawat yang keluar pada wajah tak ada mata, sakit dan bengkak, it’s probably hormonal acne.

📷: Pinterest
So, if you have the signs that I mentioned above, you’re probably facing hormonal acne. However, to confirm either betul tak you ada hormonal acne, better consult dengan doctor terus. Apa yang I share ni hanya guide sahaja.
In my next thread, I will focus on how to treat hormonal acne. As for now, if you have anything to ask, boleh reply to this thread atau WhatsApp me at .
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