The key stages of the development of knowledge and understanding in response to the rise of communism within a civil society:
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In this thread I will cover the key stages of development of knowledge and understanding, that may occur in some, as collectivism / communism shreds a civil society. This is adapted from work by @Styxman500 who was the first to identify a hierarchy of stages of development.
Stage I Belief in an Honest Debate
In the first stage classical liberals (that's patriots) cling to the notions of free speech as absolute rights. They resist the breakdown of society, and treat the Marxist insurrection as an HONEST DEBATE.
Stage II Denial and Avoidance
In the second stage, the corruption of communism is identified by patriots. Patriots notice that the communists do not believe in our constitution. Patriots believe that a free and open society is always required no matter the views of the left.
Stage III Recognition that the Left Threatens Our Republic
In the third stage the criminal conspiracy, and criminal actions of the left are now clearly identified. Denial of what they are doing begins to be erased.
The third stage is about admitting that the conspiracy is in plain view and already happening. Beginnings of anger emerge, but there is no plan of action. Anger is misdirected against pawns.
Stage IV Recognition of Reciprocity
In the fourth stage a 'radical realization' occurs. In this stage one considers the contradiction of giving free speech to those who are organizing on every level to deny our constitutional protections, even to deny our free speech.
Understanding the proper application of the first amendment is recognized. The first amendment requires reciprocity.
Requiring reciprocity is consistent with the intent of the constitution. Free speech never included the right to engage in a conspiracy to commit a crime. Is not ending our constitutional republic some form of crime? As we see today doing so requires very many crimes.
Achieving the fourth stage is necessary before any defense can be mounted. Reciprocity is required in all rights. If the left is intent on violating your constitutional rights then defending their 'right' to engage in this attack is the equivalent of agreeing to end our republic.
Inability to reach this stage guarantees defeat.

It should be noted that from the beginning the entire plan of the left was to deny us of our constitutional protections. How else can they openly plan and carry out force and violence?
Stage V Need for Action is Understood, Planning Absent, Guided by Emotion
In the fifth stage, we move from a conceptual understanding of the requirement of reciprocity to a recognition of the need for self defense.
In this phase our self defense, if it occurs at all, is not strategic. We still lack Organization, Planning, Strategy, and directed Action.
Stage VI Target Known, Organization Planning in Place, Action Begins
In the final stage complete understanding of the threat is identified. There is no denial. There are no foolish emotional reactions. In this stage pure strategic thinking takes hold. (continued)
Organization, Planning, Strategy, and Action are present. An organizational superstructure is created, and all actions proceed from this. Key strategic enemy positions are identified. The left is no longer part of our nation.
I am going to be adding a couple of ideas to this hierarchy of development. The first is differentiation. That is where differing groups attack differing agendas. We need to differentiate among ourselves and specialize. We need dapp platforms that support this model.
Another idea is the adoption of a 'by any means necessary' philosophy. This is the philosophy of the left and it is why they are winning.
Another key concept is to understand we are Siloed. This means no matter how well we prove any topic among ourselves it makes little or no difference. We have to act in an outward manner.
Another development that needs to happen has to do with how we view our opponents. This is not a high school color team contest. The left treats us as an enemy and is willing to do anything. We need to model the same.
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