Okay, now I know some folks are interested in how matters are progressing with @AmazonUK and @AmazonHelp - so here's an update. It may be a fairly long thread.

#support #amazonsupport #fail
17th July Checked Support pages & FAQs. No help, so:
contacted Support pages and said I needed help and account reset.
23rdChased. Advised to change password
Changed password
Repeated the issue
Again told change password
Changed password
Replied to emails asking for help
29thChased and new Support ticket raised.
Explained in detail all the issues and AGAIN asked for account reset
30thNew email - Associates account has no income.
30th Tried to link to account. All attempts failed with “The e-mail address/mobile number and password you are using are not connected to an Associates account. If you don’t have an Amazon Associates account, please join now for free.”
30th Tried to contact Support. Again told to change password.
Changed password.
31stReceived reply from Amazon to my detailed email of 29th.
It pointed me back to the support pages I visited on 17th. It did not answer any of my questions.
I tried to contact Support again.
4th AugA reply from my email of 31st.
Suggested removing all cookies. I replied pointing out it’s their system that doesn’t recognise my Associates Account ID.
No reply.
4th New email from “Sarthak” to tell me that I can log into the customer services pages. I tried. It didn’t work.
I replied to the email to tell him.
No response.
Found a phone number and called helpful lady. She indicated that she would have to escalate to Associates Support.
4th She was Customer Support. She would email Associates to get someone to call me.
Still waiting for that call.
Reply to my email to “Sarthak” - “You have written to an address that is not currently accepting incoming e-mails”.
4th Another email to say they’re “Sorry to hear you’ve had a problem” - and would I change my password?
Changed password. Guess what? Didn’t fix the issue.
5thGood news! They confirmed that my account is open and I can “continue to use it”. Except no, I can’t get into it.
An email from “Roche” to say he sorry I’ve been having emails. He gave detailed instructions on how to change my bloody password.
5th Called a direct number. Sadly didn’t note the Support guy’s name.
Told Amazon doesn’t have an Associates Programme. I asked how it was that Amazon writes to me every month from “Amazon Associates”? He promised a call back from someone.
No call.
7thCalled Amazon. A helpful person who understood my issues and gave me - A DIRECT LINE TO TALK TO SELLER SUPPORT - 02070847901 - yippee!
7th The number took me to an answerphone message telling me that the service was stopped now and for support I have to go to a specific web page. The one I first contacted on 17th July.
8th Another reply to my email to “Sarthak”. Again telling me he doesn’t accept incoming e-mails. Nice of him to let me know.
Weekendspent fuming.
11thThis was a new one - a reply, I assume, from Amazon Japan. Don’t ask me what it was saying, it was in Japanese characters.
Got a nice, helpful email from Amazon to tell me how to change my password. I hit the desk with my head.
13thCalmer again, contacted Amazon. Could only use their web support pages. Amazon has opened a “case-tracking ticket” to address my problems.
13th The “case-tracking ticket” meant I received an email from Amazon. They suggested A NEW BLOODY PASSWORD!
I spent 13 years in the computer industry. I saw excellent, hard-working staff doing a very difficult job with skill. When I have called @AppleSupport over the years, I have seen similar dedication and a desire to help. Staff take on issues until they're fixed.
With Amazon it seems there is a process of "get this off my desk" that overrules any other consideration. Some staff have been helpful and sympathetic. They appear to have tried to help.
However, to have been told that there was no "Associates Programme", to have been given a phone number no longer in use, to have been told I don't know how many times to reset my password, and for all, literally all, of the staff to have ignored my case history,
is abysmally poor customer service. I don't know whether there is really any point in any more calls to Amazon. I have wasted, conservatively, thirty hours in the last month trying to get a basic, simple issue resolved. But not one of Amazon's Support staff appear to want to take
ownership of the issue. That is the basic failing of the organisation, and any "management" that they have.
I confidently expect yet another email shortly giving me helpful advice on where their help pages are, where their support pages are, and how I can easily reset my password.

And yet again, no one will read my file, listen to me or do a ruddy thing to resolve this issue.
You can follow @MichaelJecks.
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