and things that will do far more on the "getting Tr*mp out of office" front than simply tweeting/vocalizing your disdain about people who disagree with you! may i direct you toward anti-voter suppression action, pro-USPS action, sending postcards to voters in swing states, etc.?
its great to have thoughtful, researched opinions but usually those don't change who shows up to vote. there is LOTS of room for critique this year. let people have that room and take all your angry energy and direct it somewhere that actually moves the needle re: the electorate.
ideas for redirecting your energy if you're concerned someone else's tweets are going to be The Thing that swings the election in your disfavor (they won't, i promise they won't be The Thing) this fall:

write postcards to voters in swing states: 
buy a ton of stamps and start mailing shit like its your job. seriously
know your own state's early voting days and go vote. drag all your friends and neighbors with you (wearing a mask, etc.). volunteer to give people rides with the windows down. be creative idk.
make sure you have your own damn absentee ballot!!! remove the log from your own eye, as jesus christ himself would say, and then help your friends and family order theirs. then text literally everyone you know and ask them if they have their ballot.
(YES this is a risk) if you are healthy and feel as though this is a risk you are willing to take, (quarantine beforehand and after) apply to be a poll worker on election day!! if someone's going to take that risk, should be someone who cares about voters
oh you DON'T live in a battleground state? you're NOT worried about voter suppression in your area? lucky you, but you're not off the hook - plug in with a battleground state and help fight voter suppression there: 
can you collect and return other people's absentee ballots? could you and a friend organize throughout your town and set up a network to pick up absentee ballots from different neighborhoods and help mail them?
help friends and neighbors see their ballots in advance and ACTUALLY KNOW WHO IS RUNNING FROM YOUR OWN DISTRICTS!! i have shown up to the polls SO many times not actually knowing who i was voting for in my own local elections! not this time no way!!! 
know the voter protection hotline and call it *liberally* if you see anyone try to stop anyone else from voting (if you go in person) 1-866-687-8683
there's a lot more you can do but my point here is this: few people on the internet's minds are changed by justifiable critiques of candidates' records. everyone left knows who they'll vote for. if biden-harris loses the election, it won't be bc someone said kamala was a cop
... it'll be because people were intentionally excluded from the electorate, this year and many elections before. if you want people to vote blue, that's great, same. but this election especially, we have to carve the pathway for voters, by hand, every day.
PS this does not mean that we shouldn't also FIGHT LIKE HELL about the racist birther arguments that will inevitably come out of the right. (this thread strictly applies to left-squabbling - call racism racism when you see it, etc.)
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