king solomon famously offered to cut a baby in half to ascertain which of 2 claimants was its true mother.

no real mother would accede to such a thing.

would that we had such wisdom today.

this is the educational equivalent of a guillotined toddler.
it's a weak choice. a stupid choice. a politician's choice.

there is no world in which it makes functional sense.

either this disease is so dangerous that kids must stay home or it's not and they should go to school.

this is the worst of both worlds.
this is walking down the middle of the road instead of on one side of another. as mr miyage famously quipped "squish. just like grape."

you do not have an impossible decision to make.

you have a decision to make.

so lead or get out of the way.

it's that simple.
instead they chose this absurd "middle way" that accomplished absolutely nothing.

2 days a week of school for kids split into 2 groups?

can anyone show me a shred of scientific evidence that this makes any difference at all vs sending them all every day?

it's made up
you might as well assign kids to math classes based on their zodiac sign instead of their ability level

this is all the contagion, 60% less learning time, all the complexity of distance learning, & nearly all the disruption to parents who work

it's just weak middle-way waffling
having kids at school 2 days a week is not enough time to work a full time job. it's not even close.

and having a school half the size on any given day has no effect on contagion and teachers are still going to see all the kids anyhow.
6 feet of distance to stop contagion is MADE UP.

it's not science nor based in any kind of clinical outcome.

it's a little song superstitious people hum to themselves when walking past a cemetery at night to keep the ghosts at bay.
and 2 days of school may be flat out worse than 5.

where are these kids the other 3 days? many will have to be in daycare. that's just more mingling with new social groups.

so we may be upping contagion risk while utterly downgrading educational experience.

note that in a world with school choice, absolutely none of this would be an issue.

your kid has a voucher for education. schools make choices, parents make choices, and people get what they individually want.

this is barely elected bureaucrats forcing policy on 1000's
and the outcome is entirely predictable:

one size fits none.

we've just re-written the judgement of solomon where the baby actually got cut in half and everyone loses (especially the kid).
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