Kamala Harris is not perfect. She has implemented policies that have hurt Black people as well as trans people, thats a fact. But she can grow.

And the "is she black enough" talk has already started and I am fucking done with it. DONE. Stop questioning peoples blackness
Donald Trump is a goddamn sociopath and white suprmacist that doesn't care about anything in life except "winning"

And to do that against, Kamala, her blackness will be in question every chance they get. Don't fall for any of it, don't boost it, don't quote tweet trolls
I am desperately asking white people who follow me to leave that bullshit behind. Its not even up for discussion.

For me personally, Biden and Kamala don't represent the future I want in terms of Black liberation, LGBTQ rights, and class equality throughout America
Eve Ewing posted a great thread the other day about having those hard convos we must have with ourselves when people like Kamala come into the public spotlight. What are your lines when it comes to how the represent what you truly believe
But her blackness, the fact that she is a Black woman and comes from our culture, is not up for fucking debate. Biden and Harris are not perfect.

But Trump's a monster who does not care about anyone but himself

Vote his ass out
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