Thread on #WorkFromHome
Due to pandemic most desk jobs are in #WFH MODE for more than 5 months now. While initially ppl liked the idea now real experience is coming in. I am putting my thoughts
While productivity is up there is also "ALWAYS ON" expectation.
This always ON expectations is blurring the lines between work and home even further. Increasing overall time ppl spend on office work
While efficiency has improved in few things as no travel stress but it is also impacted by lack of in-person connect
Work has become purely transactional and motivation has become diluted as it is done on phone calls.
Internet is lifeline now and as most population isat home ( work, entertainment) internet b/w is under stress impacting work. Losing n/w causes stress .
Home Factor
While we do #WFH it robs the necessary privacy we need for professional issues from family members and vice Versa. Since all conversation are on phone privacy concerns are there for all.
At many homes 2-4 ppl are on-line at all times. #Noise #smallHome
So while initially everyone liked the idea now the real challanges are setting in and many ppl wishing to go back. So I think most won't like 100% WFH but a hybrid model will be adopted by most organizations where ppl do more WFH but still come to office.
Ppl need to demarket the time clearly as space demarcation has vanished . Orgs need to respect that demarcation and some discipline is needed from all.
Orgs n ppl need to really innovative on collaboration now than ever.
So work responsibly and also family time.
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