idk who needs to hear this today but you can be antiracist and pro-desi and pro-malay without being straight up anti-chinese. this is a real thing that can happen. try it out, it's damn radical.
one of the biggest realisations I had when first started reading into the form and structure of racism is Singapore is that widespread discrimination is usually rooted in higher/wider/larger power structures; the Powers That Be, NOT just any random Chinese person
Random Dude Named Yong who appears on the online zoom lecture has almost nothing to do with (and likely will never have any real impact on) the actual sources of racism and classism in the country. RDNY has more in common with me that with anyone in these positions tbh
just randomly whacking Chinese people in your antiracist discourse does more to undermine your activism and set the wider movement back than make any real progress towards true equality
I guess a clearer way to explain my position would be that there is a significant difference between seeking to dismantle overarching Chinese oppressive systems and attacking unrelated individuals for being Chinese. admittedly in some situations the line is blur, but it's there.
someone advised me that my wording in this thread is q bad making my argument easy to misconstrue as something else; I thought a bit more about how to summarise it better in the space of 1-2 tweets and I think this might be better:
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