'Bhumihars are superior Brahmin'

This is a fake narrative & we will try to understand this.

In late 19th century, British government accepted the hierarchy of Hindu society, putting Brahmins at the top & so on.Certain groups weren't happy with it & demanded higher status.
Bhumihars who earlier claimed Kshatriya ancestry, wanted an upgradation in their social status as they were placed at 3rd pos.
Thanks to their numbers and political situation in the region, they tried negotiating with Brits & offered their allegiance in exchange.
Swami Sahajanand of AryaSamaj also played a crucial role and worked for their sanskritisation process which helped them claim Brahmin ancestry, simply coz claiming Kshatriya ancestry wasn't enough.
British government recognised their claims in 1911.
Here is the list of castes that claimed higher social status.
There claims are baseless.
Even Shankaracharya ji @govardhanmath pointed it out.
Watch it from '2:50'
The struggle of Bhumihars for Brahmin status.

There claims were continuously denied by Brahmins.
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